Graduates of the "Foreign Trade Policy" specialization are defending master's thesis

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Part-time master's students (3rd year) are defending their theses at ASUE. Today 3rd year students of "Foreign Trade Policy" specialization weredefending their dissertations.

The president of the certification committee is  Vardan Aramyan. The members of the commission are: Vice Rector on Education-Methodological  Matters  Paruyr  Kalantaryan, Dean of the Department of RE and IER, associate professor Atom Markarian Acting Head of the chair of IER, associate professor Grigor Nazaryan, Doctor of Sciences David Hakhverdyan, chief specialist of the Control Commission of Armenia Narek Ovakanyan, Hed of the Internal Audit Department of RA MES Vahram Gasparyan, deputy head of the financial department of Yerevan mayor, Ph.D. Hamazasp Galstyan, commission secretary -  Narine Shekoyan.

In an interview with ASUE Media and Public Relations Division  Acting Head of the chair of IER associate professor Grigor Nazaryan, said that, in general, he was satisfied with the answers. As a disadvantage, he pointed the absence of sound proposals in some works.

Note that the dissertation defenses will continue until the end of the week.

We wish good luck to all of you!



ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.