Experience and job offers from "Ingo Armenia" insurance company

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Today, the representatives of "Ingo Armenia" insurance company Ruben Hakobyan and Sergey Shahinyan visited ASUE and presented students the existing job vacancies. The head of ASUE Banking and Insurance chair Anna Aslanyan also attended the meeting.

In his welcoming speech Ruben Hakobyan said that "Ingo Armenia" and ASUE were cooperate effectively within the signed memorandum and this proposal was as well in those frames. He briefly presented company's mission, activities, explained the concept of insurance, addressed to vehicle insurance, compensation modes and more. 

          The speakers answered the students' questions.

Note that the students of the Department of Finance were mainly participating at the meeting.Students also provided feedback by transferring personal information to the employer.

Anna Aslanyan noted that the results would be summarized in the near future.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.