The remarkable events of September

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2015-2016 academic year launched in September and ASUE first month was full of remarkable events:

On September 1, ASUE has met its first-year students in a festive atmosphere. Rector Koryun Atoyan, deans, professors, representatives of the Student Council congratulated the students.

            On September 3, ASUE Student Council and the Armenian Youth Foundation organized an evening dedicated to the freshmen. Famous DJ Vakcina made this a memorable day for the students.

A seminar-discussion focused on strategic aspects of human resources and financial management of the University took place on September 3 at ASUE within the framework of the program “Support for University Autonomy and Accountability: Higher  Education Management System in line with the Principles of the Bologna Process and the Development of Effective Implementation of Changes Purposes («GOVERN»)”. 

The  collection of materials of 24th  scientific  Conference of  Armenian State  University  of  Economics entitled “Modern Challenges for  Development”  (held  on  October 29-31, 2014)has also been published in September.  

By decision of the ASUE Scientific Council a new revised "Student Handbook" was published and distributed to freshmen of all departments on September 7.

On September 15, ARARAT project local meeting was held in Armenian State University of Economics. The purpose of the meeting was the discussion of the outcomes during the whole project lifetime, ongoing activities and further activities within the Project extension period. Representatives of Armenian partner universities and other partner institutions participated in the meeting.

The autumn relay of training courses for civil servants has launched at Armenian State University of Economics on September 15. 

Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs and External Relations Gagik Vardanyan hosted representatives of the International Monetary Fund at ASUE center for international cooperation on September 17. 

On September 18, in the Conference Hall of ASUE training on "The implementation of Salzburg principles in the Republic of Armenia", according to Tempus VERITAS program goals, took place, which was conducted by Mr. Karen Grigoryan, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor in the Department of Macroeconomics.

On September 19, towards the 24th anniversary of Armenia's independence Defense Minister of RA Seyran Ohanyan visited ASUE. The coordinator of Board of TrusteesofYouth Foundation of Armenia Karen Avagyanwas also at ASUE. Seyran Ohanyan opened the ASUE rifle range.

Second MBA program for foreign students started at ASUE on September 22.

The manual "Global marketing" in English, authored by the head of the Chair of Languages Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor Susanna Chalabyan has been published in September.

 At the initiative of ASUE SC Director General of Beeline Andrey Pyatakhin was hosted at ASUE on September 25. The workshop brought together guests and students, during which they discussed the formula for success in career.

The autumn phase of 16th Republican Student Sport Games started with shooting competition on September 27 and ASUE team recorded its first victory, becoming the Champion of the Shooting competition 2nd year in a row.

Part-time master's degree admission exams for 2015/2016 academic year took place on September 29.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.