Representatives of the International Monetary Fund were at ASUE

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Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs and External Relations Gagik Vardanyan hosted representatives of the International Monetary Fund today at ASUE center for international cooperation. The head of the chair of "Finance" Ashot Salnazaryan, the head of the chair of "Banking and Insurance" Anna Aslanyan, the head of the chair of "Macroeconomics" Ishkhan Tigranyan, professors of the mentioned chairs were present at the meeting.

Welcoming the representatives of the IMF vice-rector Vardanyan expressed gratitude for the assistance to development of Armenia and for imparting the importance of the involvement of universities in this matter. Further he spoke about the achievements of ASUE during the last 4-5 years, especially its participation in international cooperation
programs ("Tempus", "Erasmus Plus", "Fulbright"), the organization of training of foreign students, and the development of the institutional capacity of the University research activities.

Afterwards Gagik Vardanyan gave the floor to the guests and they presented their mission.

Scott Roger (PFTAC Coordinator), Ava Ayrton (senior technical assistance officer of resource management division of monetary and capital markets department) and Marco Pinon (advisor of monetary and capital markets department) presented the main directions of their activities.

Inflation targeting and monetary policy direction, features and effects were the main topics of the meeting. The experts presented the activities of the International Monetary Fund in this context. The importance of central banks was emphasized from the standpoint of competent policy. At the end of the meeting Vice-Rector Gagik Vardanyan, heads of chairs Ashot Salnazaryan, Anna Aslanyan, lecturers, graduate students came up with questions and comments.

Gagik Vardanyan thanked the guests, noting that ASUE and International Monetary Fund were cooperating very closely. The representatives of the fund give lectures at our University several times a year.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.