Preliminary results of the «HEN-GEAR» alumni base summed up at Spanish University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaries

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The presentation of the preliminary results of the electronic database of 8 RA University alumni took place in the frames of EU Tempus «HEN-GEAR» program at Spanish University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaries on July 7-8, 2015. Vice Rector on Education-Methodological Matters Paruyr Kalantaryan, the head of the Quality Assurance Division Nerses Gevorgyan, and the chief specialist of the same division Anna Pakhlyan were representing ASUE at the meeting.

Note that in the frames of «HEN-GEAR» program a graduate database has been created by filling out the electronic questionnaires, which is available for employers registered at «HEN-GEAR» portal. In addition to the graduates’ online CV, the database contains extensive information on the activities of the University, treatment, satisfaction, expectations and so on. The above information was thoroughly analyzed by University staff and the initial results were summarized at the meeting.

Anna Pakhlyan presented a report on ASUE alumni stressing out the following fascinating results: "The 80% of ASUE graduates of 2014 (2060 graduate) has registered at «HEN-GEAR» electronic database, which provides approximately the 50% of registered graduates from all 8 Universities. The completed questionnaires showed that 79% of ASUE graduates are generally satisfied with their educational program, of which 41% said they were "fully satisfied" and 38% "rather satisfied than not”.  

The answers to the question "In case of a second chance would you re-enter the university" the graduates said:

  • Yes, the same university and the same specialty (52% of ASUE graduates of 2014)
  • Yes, the same university, but other specialty (20%)
  • Yes, the same specialty, but other University (5%)
  • Yes, other specialty and other University (14%)
  • No, I would not enter any University (3%)
  • No answer (6%)

The summary of the final results of the project is scheduled in September-October 2015.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.