ASUE Eghegnadzor branch has 36 graduates, Gyumri branch 93 graduates

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“We have 11 Bachelor's degree graduates (Finance specializations) and Master's Degree graduates (Finance and Management specializations); overall we have 36 graduates”, said ASUE Eghegnadzor branch Director Sos Khachikyan adding that three of the Masters’ students will get diplomas of honor.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division also talked to ASUE Gyumri branch Director Samson Davoyan. According to him, this year the branch has 28 Bachelor's degree graduates in Finance and 1 in Accounting. At the same time the Branch has 25, 20, 19 Master's Degree graduates in Finance, International economic relations and Accounting respectively. Overall the Branch has 93 graduates this year. Samson Davoyan also noted that 4 Master's Degree graduates would receive a diploma of excellence.

Congratulations to all the graduates. 

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.