The winner of the Spring Festival is the Department of Regulation of Economy and International Economic Relations

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The closing ceremony of "Student Spring 2015" sport and cultural festival, which was attended by faculty and students, took place today at ASUE Great Hall. The festival was initiated by SC. 

At the beginning SC members awarded the representatives of the chair of Physical training, emergency situations and civil defense with certificates. Afterwards the winner departments of the interdepartmental debates were awarded with certificates. The department of Regulation of Economy and International Economic Relations received a symbolic prize.

Students made interesting and exciting performances at the song and dance competition. It is gratifying to note that our students were performing mostly Armenian songs and dances, wearing national costumes.

Thus the winners of the dance competition are: 1st place – Department of Finance, 2nd place - Department of Regulation
of Economy and International Economic Relations, 3rd place Department of Management. In the song contest the best was the Department of Accounting and Auditing, 2nd and 3rd places took the Departments of Regulation of Economy and International Economic Relations and Management respectively.

Note that after the competitions the Departments of Regulation of Economy and International Economic Relations and the Departments of Accounting and Auditing had 16 points each. Thus it became clear that the winner of the "Student Spring 2015" is the Departments of Regulation of Economy and International Economic Relations. Hovhannes Harutyunyan the Chairman of the SC of the mentioned Department received the festival trophy.

The "Student Spring 2015" festival was dedicated to the 85th anniversary of ASUE.

Congratulations to the Departments of Regulation of Economy and International Economic Relations.



ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.