The best six students received certificates of participation in Russian Language Olympiad

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An Olympiad of Russian Language was held at ASUE initiated by the Chair of Languages on May 15. Today the results were summarized and the winners were awarded with certificates.

During the conversation with ASUE Media and Public Relations Division the head of the chair of Languages Associate Professor Susanna Chalabyan noted that the best six students were determined and the first three places will be awarded with certificates. 

1st place (excellent participation) took Ani Khachatryan a students of Marketing and business administration Department, 2nd was Mane Avetisyan a student of Accounting and Auditing Department, and the 3rd was Anna Sayatyan a student of
Marketing and business administration department.  While awarding the certificates Susanna Chalabyan wished the students every academic achievements.

Note that nearly 50 first-year students from all departments participated in Olympiad. 

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.