Each year the interest towards volleyball is growing: the winners of the championship are the Departments of Management and Regulation of Economy and International Economic Relations

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In the frames of “Student Spring 2015” Festival ASUE student-athletes have competed also in volleyball. Volleyball Championship was held in two parts - girls and boys teams. The competition took place on May 15 and prizes were distributed as follows: 1st place in girls championship took the students of Management Department, 2nd and 3rd places Department of Accounting and Auditing and Department of Statistics and Information Processing, respectively. 1st place in boys championship took the Department of RE and IER, 2nd and 3rd places took Department of Management and Department of Accounting and Auditing, respectively.

During the conversation with ASUE Media and Public Relations Division Associate Professor of the  Chair of  Physical Training,  Emergency   Situations and Civil   Defense  Gagik Vardanyan happily said that the interest towards volleyball was growing in ASUE every year.  

The coach also mentioned that the ASUE girls' volleyball team members were mostly from the Management Department, which determined the victory of this department in the championship.

Note that the basketball championship starts today and will last until May 22.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.