Remarkable events of April at ASUE

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Dear readers, as you remember ASUE Media and Public Relations Division had issued a new initiative - summarizing ASUE significant events of the past month in a new media format. This publication summarizes April’s remarkable events.

Seminar-discussion on "The main problems of improving the competitive environment in Armenia" took place on April 3 at ASUE Conference Hall. ASUE Rector, professor Koryun Atoyan, Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs and External Relations Gagik Vardanyan, the director of "Amberd” Research Center Samvel Avetisyan, the head of the Microeconomics and Organization of Entrepreneurial Activities chair professor Mikael Melkumyan, deans, professors and graduate students were present at the seminar. The seminar was organized on the initiative of ASUE Chair of Microeconomics and Organization of Entrepreneurial Activities. This seminar was the first event of the unique platform for discussions, which is created at ASUE to discuss issues relating to socio-economic problems.

From April 7 ASUE launched the retraining courses of civil servants, which were organized by ASUE Lifelong and Further Education Center. 60 civil servants having leading and junior positions received certificates. Another training will start today.

From April 11 to 24 various events dedicated to 100-th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide organized by ASUE students continued.

On April 20 the third course of marketing specialization came up with an initiative and organized an event entitled “Clench your tooth…'', which was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.

On April 21, the 2nd year students of the department of Regulation of Economy and International Economic Relations organized an event dedicated to the 100th anniversary.

On April 23 and 24 ASUE students participated in canonization ceremony of the Armenian Genocide victims in Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin.  

On April 15 the presentation of the book "The price of compensation" took place today at ASUE great hall on the initiative of ASUE Student Council and the Youth Foundation of Armenia. The event was attended by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Youth Foundation of Armenia, Karen Avagyan, ASUE vice-rectors, lecturers, deans and students.

In connection with the 85th anniversary of ASUE on April 17 started the Interuniversity Student Conference "INhead": “The economic system of RA: innovation, development and implementation”. Student council of the University and the Youth Foundation of Armenia had initiated the conference. Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan, ASUE Rector, Professor, Koryun Atoyan, marz governor of Kotayq Karapet Guloyan, AYF president Karen Avagyan had visited the Interuniversity Student Conference on April 18.

On April 15 and 16 ASUE Rector, Professor Koryun Atoyan was in St. Petersburg to attend the 13th congress of the Association of Eurasian Universities and the 3rd "Eurasian Economic Prospects"International Conference.

From April 21 to 23 the international specialized exhibition “Education and Career EXPO 2015" took place. The event was initiated by "Logos Expo" Center and sponsored by RA Ministry of Education and Science and the Union of Manufacturers and Businessmen (employers) of Armenia. The Deputy Minister of Education and Science Manuk Mkrtchyan opened the exhibition.

On April 22 a new auditorium after Andranik Ozanyan opened in ASUE Finance Department. ASUE Rector, Professor Koryun Atoyan, vice-rectors, deans, heads of chairs and students were present at the opening of repaired, furnished and technically equipped auditorium.

On April 28 the conference entitled "RA capital market: current issues and development prospects" took place at ASUE conference hall. The two-day student conference was initiated by ASUE chair of Finance and "NASDAQ OMX Armenia" OJSC. ASUE rector Koryun Atoyan, Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs and External Relations Gagik Vardanyan, head of the Finance chair Ashot Salnazaryan, "NASDAQ OMX" CEO Konstantin Saroyan, University academic staff, guests and students were present at the conference.

Final certification exams of full-time Bachelor's and Master’s Programs have started on April 29 at ASUE and will end on May 27. The final certification exams of part time Bachelor and Master’s Programs, will start on May 29.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.