Final certification exams have started at ASUE today

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Final certification exams of full-time Bachelor's and Master’s Programs have started at ASUE today. ASUE rector professor Koryun Atoyan participated in the final exams of 4-th year Bachelor's Program of Banking specialization.

We spoke to the president of the committee Davit Harutyunyan, who noted that, in general, he was satisfied with the performance of students. "The works are interesting, analyzes are fundamental. Of course, students' knowledge level is different, but the basic operations of different directions of the banking system are included in the works”, said Mr. Harutyunyan.

Some students noted that the defense had been interfered with excitement, but overall they were pleased with both the Committee's work, and the process of defense itself.

Note that the final certification process for undergraduate and graduate courses will end on May 27. The final certification process of part-time undergraduate and graduate courses will be held from May 29 to June 20.

Note that for the first time this year final exams are not held at the University, instead Final work and Master`s work defenses are organized.

We wish good luck to all the graduates.




ASUE Media and Public Relations Division