ASUE Yeghegnadzor branch summarized the events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Armenian Genocide: a memorial was opened

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ASUE Yeghegnadzor branch summarized the events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Armenian Genocide. On April 23, a contest of essays dedicated to the 100th anniversary took place in Yeghegnadzor. It was initiated by the branch lecturer Karine Movsisyan. The topics for essays were: "I remember and demand", "No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten", "Hundred years of silence", "What we have in the world, which is so ours, ''Armenian's spiritual power".   

The director of the Yeghegnadzor Branch Sos Khachikyan welcomed the participants, followed by Karine Movsisyan, who thanked the students and gave them prizes.

The students of ASUE Yeghegnadzor branch also participated in the torchlight procession to the memorial dedicated to the victims of the Armenian Genocide. "Today’s youth will continue to raise the issues of international recognition and condemnation of Armenian Genocide", said Yeghegnadzor Branch Student Council President Hayk Harutyunyan.

On the Initiative of ASUE Yeghegnadzor Branch direction and Student Council, a memorial to the victims of Genocides
was opened in the branch on April 24 in the morning. In his welcoming speech, Sos Khachikyan said that the opening of memorial completed the row of events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Armenian Genocide. US Peace Corps volunteer Brian Saliba put flowers at the memorial to honor the victims of genocide.

After the opening, the students participated in the march organized by the Vayots Dzor marz governer.  

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.