ASUE as a participant of citywide cleanup and tree planting

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The municipality of Yerevan has announced a citywide cleanup and tree planting day on April 11. ASUE stuff joint this initiative and  from early morning is cleaning up ASUE yard and surrounding areas.

During the interview with ASUE Media and Public Relations Division Vice Rector on Administrative and Business Affairs  Mikhail  Karapetyan noted that ASUE stuff was cleaning up ASUE yard and surrounding areas, the Circle Park, and the surrounding areas of Nalbandian, Khanjian streets.

"We are planing to participate in tree planting too:  Vice-Rector on  Students  and  Alumni Affairs Sevak Khachatryan will head tree planting event of dozen students around Genocide Memorial ", - said Mikhail  Karapetyan.

Sevak Khachatryan told us that 50 ASUE students would participated in the clean up works of surrounding areas of Memorial to the victims of the Genocide.

We talked to the dean of the Department of Statistics and Information Processing  Manuk Movsisyan, who said that after classes, from 14:00pm, representatives of the faculty and students would start the clean up of the surrounding areas of the department in Zeitun. 


ASUE Mediaand PublicRelations Division.