ASUE "Нар-Хоз" team reached the final of CFI Student League

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Yesterday in the Drama Theatre named after Stanislavsky the semi-finals of the CFI Student League took place. ASUE "Нар-Хоз" team performed well and reached the final.

In an interview with the Media and Public Relations Division, the team captain Edgar Grigoryan noted that the day before their team had performed good enough. "After yesterday's performance the jury praised our team and said that the performance of this year was of a high quality", - said the captain.

According to Edgar Grigoryan the final will take place in May, and from today the team is getting ready in order to perform in the best way and win.

"Нар-Хоз" team members are Edgar Grigoryan - team captain, Gevorg Sahakyan, Hayk Asatryan, Hayk Grigoryan, Narek Palikyan, David Minasyan. Arman Harutyunyan (team recordist).

We congratulate the CFI team and wish them victory in the final!

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.