Workshop within framework of “PEOPLE” project

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ASUE HRM Division  informs  that “In house Workshop”  was  held  in Armenian State  University of  Economics  and Armenian-Russian (Slavonic) University  on January 15  and 16, 2015 within the  framework  of  EU Tempus “Promoting Educational Organisation through people  (PEOPLE)  project.

Issues  on project objectives and results, staff recruitment, academic and administrative staff assessment, teamwork and collaboration, dispute resolution, labor  conditions, motivation, staff promotion mechanisms  and  other  problems  were  discussed  during  the  workshop.

Representatives  of our  partner Armenian-Russian (Slavonic) University  participated  in the  workshop  held  in Armenian State  University of Economics  on January 15, 2015.

ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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