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Today,  ASUE  Scientific  Board’s  advanced  session was  held  at  ASUE  Big  Hall.

The  Vice-rector  on Methodological  Matters Paruir  Klantaryan presented the  agenda  of the  session  and  gave  a  floor  to ASUE  Rector, Doctor  of  Economics, Professor  Koryun Atoyan.  Rector’s report  on “The  results of academic  and  financial  activities  of  Armenian State  University of  Economics  in 2014  and the  main indexes  of  the  project of  budget in 2015”  was  based  on pointing out the achievements  and success of  the  University, revealing gaps  and urgent problems  and identifying  solutions  to  them.

The  statistics and analysis  presented  by the Rector  reflected the image of the  admission and graduation process of  the last  year, the  current  state  of  the  academic  process  and  modernization and improvement directions.  He  mentioned  that the  previous years’ strategy and  the  activities  towards improving  the education quality, activating research,  expanding foreign  relations  would  be  continued. 

Koryun Atoyan  presented  students’ resource  and  qualitative indicators  according  to  academic degrees and education forms (7211  students  study  in ASUE),   the  University staff.

Highlighting  and  stressing  the  role  of  research  activity  in ASUE,  achievements of  “AMBERD” Research Center,  activity  of  research  groups  the  Head of  the  University  mentioned that  the  scientific  life  of  the  University  was  evaluated  by scientific  24th session,  which  was  attended  by  famous economists of  the  Republic,  a  number of  PhDs  and   students.

Then  the  Rector  referred  to  the  University  accreditation process and   today’s success,  publishing, library activities, international relations, foundation of  British  School  of  Business,  Media and  Public Relations, students’ internship,  social,  sport  success  and  students  important  events, as well  as  other  directions.

Koryun Atoyan  considered  the MA  education  an important  issue, which hard work should be aimed  to. The  Rector  didn’t  referred  to  repairing work  of  the  University, as  the  done  work  are visible.

Then  the  Rector  presented the  main indexes  of  the  project of  budget in 2015  and  answered the  questions  raised  by  the  representatives  of  the University  staff,  especially the  one  asked  by  the  Head of  the  Chair  of  Philosophy and  Armenian History,  Professor  Aram Sargsyan regarding  to the  process  of  making the  University national foundation.

Koryun Atoyan mentioned  that our  University  has  also received the  suggestion and the  University Juridical  Division  will  study  the  issue.  He  added  if  the University became a  foundation it would  get  some independent status, and  in case  of  our  University it  could commercialize the  research activities.

Summarizing  his  speech  the  Rector  mentioned; “Our  slogan for  coming  years  should  be increasing the  University  competitiveness”.  

The  advanced  session of  Scientific  Board  approved  the  report  on “The  results of academic  and  financial  activities  of  Armenian State  University of  Economics  in 2014  and the  main indexes  of  the  project of  budget in 2015”  with absolute majority, as well  as decided  to present  the  report on ASUE  academic and  financial  results  in 2014,  Budget performance report  in 2014  and the  main indexes  of  the  project of  budget in 2015  for  ASUE  Board’s consideration and approval.

After  the  end  of  the  session  ASUE  Rector  invited  the  University  staff to the  foyer   and  congratulated everybody on Marry  Christmas and  New  Year and  wished  the 2015  to  be  a year  of  welfare,  progress  and  success.


The  photo album is  presented  HERE.

ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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