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Today, presentation of “National Innovation System”  research  group  was  held  in ASUE  Conference  Hall,  which  was  attended  by Vice-rector  of  Science and  International  Relations Gagik Vardanyan, representatives of  Faulty, students.

Gagik  Vardanyan  made  an  opening  speech, outlining  that “National Innovation System”  is  an  interesting topic, it is desirable to involve  large number of students  for  investigating it. The  Vice-rector  stressed  that he  got  acquainted  with the  web-page  of the  research  group  and it’s  one  of the  best  ones.

Note, that the  research topic of  the group  is “Formation of National Innovation System as a strategic Directions in Economic Development”. Research  group Director is the  Dean of  the  Department of Regulation of Economy 
and International Economic Rеlations,  Candidate  in Economics, Associate  Professor  Atom  MARGARYAN,  group members  are    Candidate  in Economics, Associate  Professor  at the  Chair  of  Macroeconomics Tsovinar KARAPETYAN, PhD  students Tatev  KHACHATRYAN, Sipan AVETISYAN,  MA  students Ani HUNANYAN  and  Ani AVETISYAN.

Atom Margaryan  briefly presented the  group  activities, practical visits  and  discussions  held  within the  framework of  the research,  future plans.

Reports were presented consecutively  by Tatev Khachatryan, Sipan Avetisyan, Ani Hunanyan, Ani Avetisyan, Atom Margaryan.

The  first  speaker  referred  to problems  of ensuring institutional innovation system,  the  second  speaker  spoke about  international experience  of development of  national innovation system  and  the localization features  in the  RA.  

Two MA  students  referred  to issues  of  developing a knowledge-based economy  in the  RA  and  import and export issues  of high-tech products  in the  RA.

Atom Margaryan  reported  on “National Innovation System: Formation and Development Methodological Issues”.

After  the reports   Gagik  Vardanyan made  observations and considerationson the  topic,  discussion  was  held.



ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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