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Today,  seminars  of ASUE research  groups  started  at  ASUE  Conference  Hall: the  first  was international  research  group “Access to financial services”.  Vice-rector  of  Science  and  International  Relations  Gagik  Vardanyan,  representatives  of  Faculty,  students  attended the  seminar.

Here  is  the  staff  of  the  mentioned  group: Khoren MKHITARYAN, Head of  ASUE  Science  Division,  Candidate  in  Economics, research  group facilitator,  Aghavni HAKOBYAN, senior  specialist of  ASUE  Foreign  Relations  Division,  Candidate in Economics, Associate  Professor,  ASUE foreign MA students (Syrian) Mahmud ALDELA, Ranim ALZARY, Shadi  JENDIN.

Gagik  Vardanyan  welcomed  the  particepents,  noting  that the  project  of  research  groups  has    great  potential   and  it is unprecedented  in  Armenia, one  of  the  main goals is  MA  students’  involvement in research activities. The  Vice-rector outlined  that  the  University  Administration  highlights the  role  of  research activity, as they  contribute  to  preparing qualified personnel. Referring to the  mentioned research  group  Gagik  Vardanyan  mentioned  that this  group is  the  only  international one among  the  research  groups.

Khoren Mkhitaryan briefly presented their research group activities, goals and objectives,  highlighting the access to financial services  and  noting  that little  information  is  available in  Internet  on this topic.

Aghavni Hakobyan referred  to the  staff of research  group,  presented  the main activities conducted  by  them and  information regarding  the  group.

MA students Mahmud  Aldelan, Ranim Alzary, Shadi Jendin presented  conclusions, introducing the general description of  financial market in the Syrian Arab Republic: before and  after  the  war, the  impact  and  the effects of  the  war  on the financial system in Syria,  some  aspects  of access to financial services: basically  by  examples  of  the state  and  private  banks.

Discussion was  held  at the  end of  the seminar. Gagik  Vardanyan, Dean of  the  Department of Regulation of Economy and International Economic Rеlations  Atom Margaryan  and others  made  inquiries.

ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations Division

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