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Today,  an alumni of  “CERGE-EI” program, Charles University in Prague, Gayane Gharajyan  was  hosted  at  ASUE  Conference  Hall  and  presented “CERGE-EI”  postgraduate program  for  the  students  who  are  interested  in  PhD  programs  in abroad.

Gayane Gharajyan   spoke  about  the  opportunities  of  PhD  programs  in abroad,  advantages  of  scholarship  programs.  She  mentioned that the  students  of “CERGE-EI”  program  have  an opportunity  to  study free, and  the  students  with high  progress  will  get scholarship,  which  is  quite  enough to  cover  accommodation fee in Prague.

Proficiency in English is  required  for  the  participation,  but the  students are  able  to  participate  in the  program  without passing “TOEFL” or  “IELTS”  exams, they  should  only  submit  the  required  documents.

After  a five-year-study  of  postgraduate  program the  students  will get  MA diploma  and European and American PhD diplomas:  it’s  the  program advantage.

Deadline  for  submitting documents  is April 30, 2015.

Gayane Gharajyan     answered   the participants  questions  and  handed  information papers.

For  more  information contact  ASUE  Foreign Relations  Division.

ASUE  Media and Public Relations  Division 

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