Scientist of “AMBERD” Attended International Conference

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On November 14-15, International Conference on “Priorities of University-Army Cooperation” (in the  context of “Nation-Army”  Concept) was held  at Yerevan Northern University, which  joint scientists from Armenian  and foreign Universities  and scientific-educational centers.  Samvel Avetisyan, Senior Researcher of  "Economic Research" Program of "AMBERD" Research Center, Program Coordinator, Doctor of Sciences /Economics/, Professor, attended  the  conference, and  presented a  report on “The Socio-economic Roots of the Nation-army Concept and the International Experience of the National Army” during the plenary session.

The analysis of the international experience, especially the analysis of  "Nation-Army" system of Switzerland, Israel and other countries, as well as the proposals of involvement of students (including  girls) in the improved military form of the former military tribunals caused great interest among listeners.

The materials  of  the  conference will be published in a collection.

The  photos  are  submitted  by the  Center.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division

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