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Today,  a  solemn opening  ceremony  of  “Student Autumn 2014”  sport cultural festival  was  held  in ASUE  gym,  which  was  attended  by  ASUE  Rector  Koryun Atoyan, Deans  of  the  Departments, representatives  of  Faculty, collaborators, students.

At  the  beginning of  the  ceremony  the  students entered  the  gym  with unique t-shirts, after  which the  flag  of  the  Republic  of Armenia  was  raised under  the national anthem.

Koryun Atoyan  congratulated  the  collaborators  and  students on  solemn opening ceremony  of  “Student Autumn 2014”  sport cultural festival.  Noting that this  year’s  festival  devoted  to  the 20th  anniversary  of  Student  Council  and  highlighted  the fact  that  students’ life  is  full  of not  only  academic  process,  but  also various  events.

The  acting  Head of  the  Chair  of  Physical Training, First Aid and Civil Defense, Hovhannes  Gabrielyan,  and  the  President  of  Student  Council, Sergey  Kharatyan,  also congratulated  the  students  and  wished fair fight  in sport  games.

The  President  of the  SC  mentioned  that “Stuedent Autumn 2014”  sport  cultural  festival  is a  great  event  for  the  University.

The ceremony  was  over  with  a  dance  performance  by  the  University  talented  students.

Note, that tennis  championship  is going  on within the  framework  of  the  festival, the results  will  be  available later.




ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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