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Today,  a   scientific seminar  was held  at  ASUE  Conference  Hall  within the framework  of  research  program “Development  of  Recommendations  for  Improving  State Government and Local Self-Government System in the RA”, “AMBERD”  Research  Center. Research  group  facilitator is Yuri SUVARYAN, Head of  the  Chair  of Management, Armenian State  University  of  Economics,full member of National Academy of Sciences in the  RA, Doctor of Economics, Professor, members  of  research  group  are  Candidates  of Economics, Associate  Professors Gagik ASLANYAN, Ruben HAYRAPETYAN, Sargis  ASATRYANTS, Tigran MNATSAKANYAN, Assistant  Professor Mikayel SAFARYAN, Master’s  Degree  students   Arax  AVETYAN,  Anahit  MATINYAN.

The  seminar  was  attended  by the  Vice-rector  of  Science  and  International  Relations  Gagik VARDANYAN, Director of  “AMBERD”  Research Center, Samvel AVETISYAN, staff of  the  Center, collaborators,  students.

Gagik VARDANYAN  welcomed  the  participants, mentioned that there were great  interest and active  participation in  research  work.  The  Vice-rector referred  to  activities  of  scientific  groups,  noting that  the  current steps  were aimed at  ensuring quality education.

Research  group  facilitator, Yuri SUVARYAN,  welcomed  the  participants  and presented the  main  goals  of  the  research, group activities.  He  mentioned  that the  results  of team work  would  be presented  during the seminar,  and  the  proposals presented by  the  group  were  remarkable  ones.

Sargis ASATRYANTS presented  a report  entitled “The Basic Directions of the Legislative Body”,  and  Tigran MNATSAKANYAN  spoke  about structural  problems  of  the  executive authority.

After  the  presentation of  the  topic a  discussion was  held,  participants  of the seminar  expressed  their views  and  opinion  on the  topic and  asked  questions,  in response the  speakers made clarifications.

Director  of  the  Research  Center, Samvel AVETISYAN,  thanked  the participants  and  noted  that discussion  during the  seminar motivated the  researchers to work more efficiently.



ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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