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Armenian State  University  of Economics  and Armenian-American Kumuryan Podiatric Clinic, which  deals  with the diagnosis of diseases of the foot, prevention and treatment  issues, have  organized  free medical  test of  foot within the  framework of  an action,  which will  be conducted today  and  tomorrow  at 13:30-15:30 at  ASUE  medical  center  by  doctors  of  the  mentioned  clinic.

The  collaborators   of  ASUE  Media and Public Relations  Division visited  the  medical  center, follow  the  duration of the  action. A  representative of Kumuryan Podiatric Clinic, biochemist, Levon Yeritsyan  mentioned that their  center was  the  one  in the  region,  which diagnosed diseases of the foot  and treated  them.

“The culture  of applying to appropriate specialists of  foot  diseases  hasn’t  formed  among  us  yet, and  these charity  actions  aim  to form  that  culture. First  of  all our  center conducts  such  actions  with  educational institutions:  universities,  schools, as  lecturers  and  teachers are  included  in a risky group: they are working mainly on the feet, which can cause a variety of foot diseases.  Our task is to diagnose and prescribe appropriate treatment”; said  Levon  Yeritsyan.

Information booklets  regarding the clinic  were  given  to visitors.

Note,  that  those collaborators  who  don’t  manage  to  pass medical tests, can call the clinic in advance: tel.: 060-61-62-63  and  registered until October 10 to get a free consultation.

ASUE  Media and Public  Relations  Division 

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