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A three-day-master class  conducted  by Russian  experts has launched  at  Armenian State  University  today.  As  we  have  already  informed  it  was  initiated by “AMBERD”  Research  Center, supported  by  Gorchakov Foundation for Public Diplomacy.

Representative  of  Gorchakov Foundation for Public Diplomacy, Maria Borodachova  and  Executive Director  of  Eurasian Political Studies Network, Candidate  of  Political Science,  Vitaly Merkushev,   visited  “AMBERD” Research  Center,  got  acquainted  with the  staff  and  activity.

The  series of  meetings  started  at University Center for International Programs.  The  meeting  was  attended  by Vice-rector  of  Science  and  International  Relations, Gagik  Vardanyan, the  staff  of “AMBERD” Research Center headed by  Director Samvel  Avetisyan, collaborators, lecturers,  students, PhDs.

Gagik  Vardanyan  welcomed  the  guests,  and  noted  that a  good  tradition of  cooperation  with  the  Foundation  was  being  established, then  wished an effective working  process.

Vitaly Merkushev conducted  a  lecture entitled “Interaction  of “Soft Power”  Instruments  of  Social Network”.

Vitaly Merkushev  mentioned  that the  audience  of  Economic  University, students’ interest  were  very pleasure.  Referring  to the  discussed topic the speaker stressed  how big is the  role and usage of  the  Internet  in everybody’s life.

The  expert  explained the essence of  social websites,  mentioned  their  advantages  and disadvantages.  Then presented the  essence of  “Soft Power”, its usage, manipulation effect.

In  this  context issues  of  national  security  were  emphasized, possible impacts  of social  website on that security  was shown. The  lecture  was  based  on interesting  and illustrative examples (of  different  countries).

Discussion on the  topic  was  held  after  the  lecture, the  expert  answered to  all  questions  raised  by  the  audience.

P.S. Tomorrow, at 13:00,  Russian expert, Andrey Sushentsov will  conduct  a  lecture  entitled “The Crisis in Ukraine and Russia’s Foreign Policy”.

The  photos  is  presented in the  album.


 ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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