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A  meeting  was  held  today  at ASUE Conference Hall, which  was  the  start  of Scientific  groups’  activity. The  meeting  was  attended  by Vice-rector  of  Science and  International  Relations, Gagik  Vardanyan, Head of  Science  Division Khoren Mkhitaryan, Directors  of scientific  groups,  participants.

Gagik  Vardanyan  welcomed the participants, then mentioned  that Armenian State  University  of  Economics  started  a project,  which  had  no precedent in Armenia.

“The  project of  Scientific  groups  is  the  most experienced  method to  involve students  in research  activity. It is also a wonderful way to develop  creative abilities. Note, that 8 applications  of  the 21  has  been approved in this  stage, one  of  the scientific  groups  is  an international one”; underlined the Vice-rector.

Khoren Mkhitaryan presented the  demands for  creating  webpages  of  scientific groups, answered  to  the  participants’  questions. At  the  end  of  the  meeting  the  Directors  also acted  with  speeches: welcoming the project.

Note,  that 9  months  are planned  for activities  of scientific  groups: the project  will  be  completed on May, 2015, the  results  of  the conducted  work will  be  presented  at  ASUE  official  website.

Head  of  Science  Division informed  ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division  that  such  projects  would be  continued  at  ASUE.

The  list of  scientific  groups  and  their Directors  is presented

We  wish everyone an effective  working  process.

ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division

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