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“AMBERD” Research Center  organizes Master  Classes,  which  will be  conducted  by Russian  famous experts   at  Armenian State  University  of  Economics on September 16-19, 2014,  supported  by  Gorchakov Foundation for Public Diplomacy.

All  interested  people should apply  to  ASUE  “AMBERD”  Research  Center till  September 10, 2014,  for  registration.  Considering  that  places are strictly limited, so please register as soon as possible.

ASUE Bachelor’s, Master’s  and PhD  students  and  lecturers  up to  35 years old are able  to  apply.

Here is the  agenda  of a three-day-meeting:

The 1st  day: on Tuesday, 16/09/14

lecture: at 13:00-14:30-  “Historical Parallels, Geopolitical Dilemma  and  Russian Foreign Policy”,

lecturer: Alexander  Saghomonyan, Professor  at Moscow  State  University  after M.V. Lomonosov,  member   of   “Valdes”  discussion  club,

break: at 14:30 - 15:00,

discussion: at 15:00 - 17:00.

The  2nd  day: on Wednesday, 17/09/14

lecture:  at 13:00-14:30-“Nationalism against Separatism – the 21st  Century Dilemma”,

lecturer: Sergey Markendonov,

break: at 14:30 - 15:00,

discussion:  at 15:00-17:00-  “The  World  in the  Era  of Integration Projects  and Transnational Associations”.

The 3rd day: on Thursday, 18/09/14

lecture: at 13:00-14:30- “Journalism and Social Media Generation: Freedom of Speech and Responsibility”,

lecturers: Elena  Ponomarev (Moscow State Institute of International Relations- МГИМО), Ekaterina Zabrovskaya (Russia Direct), Pavel Andreev (Russia Today, “Valdes” discussion club),

break: at 14:30 - 15:00,

Master classes  and work  with  groups: at 15:00-17:00-“Information: Seeking, Reversal, Perception”

ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division

Previous  news  here