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The  first  session of  new  academic  year /2014-2015/  was  held  today at  Armenian State  University  of  Economics.

Koryun Atoyan suggested to begin it with one minute tribute silence to commemorate untimely deceased Dean of the Department of Finance Zakar Kirakosyan.

The  1st  issue  of  the  agenda  was  presented  by  Deans  of  the  Departments: presenting issues  regarding organizational  process  of  the  2014-2015 academic  year.  The  Deans  mentioned that  all  necessary   preparatory  work  had  been  done,  the educational process  was already in smooth progress.

Dean of  the  Department of Regulation of Economy 
and International Economic Rеlations, Atom Margaryan,  presented students’ positive reviews  regarding repairing  work  of  the  Department.

The Deans also presented the issue regarding the preparation of the second retaken exam of the second semester in 2013-2014. Therefore, the second retaken exam begins at the University on September 3: particularly September 3-10 for  full-time Bachelor Degree, September 8-16 for part-time Master’s Degree and for full-time and part-time Master’s Degree.

A variety of current issues were also discussed. Rector Koryun Atoyan commissioned the members of Rectorate Board and the other subdivisions directly related with the educational process to present written suggestions regarding the increasing of the quality of education in the University and bringing it to a new level until the end of week.

ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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