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Head  of  the  Chair of  Environmental Economics,  Armenian State  University  of  Economics, Doctor in Economics, Professor, Suren Gevorgyan,  became  a member  of  Scientific and Technical Council under the Minister of Nature Protection.

Scientific and Technical Council of the Republic of Armenia aims to promote the use of scientifically based approaches in the environment protection field, conservation of atmospheric air, land, water, underground resources, flora and fauna and specially protected areas, as well as the formation of public policy and strategy development in the field of reasonable use of natural resources and reproduction.

In the  interview  with ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division  Suren Gevorgyan mentioned that the  newly  formed Council  had  already  invited  and  held  the  first session,  while  the  2nd  session  would  be  held  on October  and  he  would present  a  report.       

“I  think  that the  professional  chairs  of  the  University  should  closely cooperate  with the relevant Ministries for  which  they  prepare  specialists.  It  will  enable  to   walk parallel   with  the  time,  be  aware  of  the events  and  participate  in solution of the  most  important    problems”; mentioned  Suren  Gevorgyan  and  added, that such  involvement wasn’t  only an indicator of  effective  activity,  also enhanced the reputation of the University

ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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