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Today, Yeghegnadzor  Branch  of  Armenian State  University of Economics  awarded  diplomas  of  full-time  Bachelor’s  and  Master’s  Degree. The  solemn ceremony   was  attended  by Governor  of  Vayots  Dzor, the  Republic  of  Armenia, Edgar  Ghazaryan,  Vice-rector  of  Educational  Matters, Armenian State  University  of  Economics, Mihrdat  Harutyunyan, Director  of  Yeghegnadzor  Branch Sos  Khachikyan, Vice-Dean of  the  Department of  Management Vardan Vlasyan,  acting Head of  the  Chair  of  International Economic Relations  Grigor  Nazaryan,  Deputy  Director of  the  Branch  Arpine Hovakimyan. Today,  the  Branch  released the  1st  generation  of  Master’s  Degree.

Edgar  Ghazaryan congratulated  the  alumni  and  wished  them new   achievements.

Gyumri  Branch  of  Armenian State  University  of  Economics  has  awarded   graduate  certificates  of  210  alumni recently.  The  Director  Samson Davoyan informed  that  solemn  ceremony  was  held   and representatives  of  provincial, municipal government, Branch managers and lecturers  attended  the  ceremony.




ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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