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Series of monographs,  based  on   summary reports  of  research  conducted  from June 1, 2013  to  end of  the  year  within fifteen directions of three research  programs at  “AMBERD” Research Center, Armenian State University  of  Economics,   has  been  published  and  is called “”AMBERD” Series”.

Edition of 17 parts  includes the  most  fundamental  principles,  conclusions  and recommendations  of  research  topics.   At the end of each monograph  Russian and English summaries are  presented.

In the  interview  with ASUE  Media  and Public Relations  Division Director  of  Research Center, Doctor  of  Economics, Professor  Samvel Avetisyan  mentioned; “As  research  is  being  conducted  by  Master’s  Degree  students  at “AMBERD”  Research Center, in this  stage, for  the  first time,  summary report  of  1 research topic,  led  by  Director  of   “National Security  Research”  program, Candidate  of  Economics Vardan Atoyan,  has been published. Results  of   research conducted   by research  group,  led  by  Vice-rector  of Methodological  Matters  Paruir  Kalantaryan,  and another 4  research  groups  of  Master’s  Degree  students  will  be presented  for  publication soon”.

 Director  of  the  Center  added  that  examples  of  the  monographs  had  been  submitted  to  several   libraries (national,  academic), according to  the scope of interest ,  monographs  would  be  submitted  to  Ministries,  Universities  and Academic Institutions.

Note, that  the monographs are  posted   in    official  website  of  ASUEէջեր-220//հրապարակումներ-1397.


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