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Today, Gagik  Vardanyan,  Vice-rector  of  Science   and  International  Relations at  ASUE,  Doctor  of  Economics,  Professor,    hosted   Jean Luc Kleman, Professor, General  Secretary  of   European and  International Relations  and  Cooperation   of   French Ministry of Higher Education and Research,  and  Tifen Rampiyone,  attaché for European Cooperation Affairs  of  Cooperation  and Cultural  Department,   the French Embassy  in Armenia.

ASUE  Vice-rector  welcomed the  guests,  noting that he’s  so  glad  to  host  French  friends at our  University,  as  ASUE  had  a  good  tradition  of cooperation with French Universities. 

In the 1990-s, more than 50 lecturers  of  our  University were trained in Lyons Chamber of Commerce,  “Paris 12” University, French  Professors  were  hosted  at ASUE, who  conducted  training  courses  for ASUE  Faculty  staff. 

Gagik  Vardanyan  presented  ASUE  Policy priorities  in recent years towards internationalization,  achievements  in scientific research area   and  expressed  hope  that due  to future joint efforts new areas of cooperation  would  be found, creating  basis  for exchange  programs  of  students and researchers, implementation of joint research and publications, as well as cooperation  between research  centers.

Jean Luc Kleman expressed  gratitude  for  warm  reception, willingness for cooperation:  highlighting promotion of  Armenia-France academic relations;  presenting expectations  for  strengthening cooperation in scientific and research  areas  and  prospects  for  joint projects.

Tifen Rampiyone expressed willingness to activate  cooperation  with  higher education institutions, including  ASUE,  expressing  hope  that  basis   would  be  set  up  for future  joint  projects.

The parties agreed to exchange information on possible areas of cooperation and develop recommendations in order to implement them.

The  information is  submitted  by ASUE  Foreign  Relations  Division.

ASUE  Media  and Public Relations  Division 

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