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Serial session of  Rectorate  Board   was  held  today  at  ASUE  Conference  Hall.  The  Deans of  the  Departments  reported   about  the  results  of  scientific research  internship  of  part-time Master’s  Degree. 

Armen  Karakhanyan,  Head of Educational Division,  presented  the  issue  regarding preparatory period  of   the  1st retaken session of the  2nd semester.

Since July 1-full-time  Bachelor’s  Degree,

Since July 2-part-time Bachelor’s Degree and  Master’s Degree,

The 1st   retaken session will  be  over  on July 9.

Gagik  Vardanyan,  Vice-rector  of  Science  and International  Relations,  presented the  results  of spring  examination period  of qualification exams  and  mentioned that 174 people took part in the exams.  Yevgenya  Poghosyan , Head  of  PhD  Division, presented the  issue  of  annual attestation  of  full-time PhD students.  Presenting  the  process,  she  mentioned  that the system has been improved  after the introduction of the credit system. She  said  that both  Chairs  and Departments  seriously  treated  the  process.  Yevgenya  Poghosyan  presented  the  results  of annual attestation    of  30  PhD students.

Rector  Koryun Atoyan  urged to  pay attention to the quality of PhD research papers, before  presenting  it  to  Professional  Board.

Khoren  Mkhitaryan, Head  of  Science  Division, reported  on preparatory period  of  ASUE 24th  Scientific Conference entitled “Modern Challenges  for  Development”  and  mentioned  that ASUE 24th Scientific  Conference  would  be  held  on October 29-31, 2014.

Current  issues were  also discussed.

ASUE Media  and Public Relation Division

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