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A  number  of  students from  India  and  the Syrian Arab Republic studying   Bachelor  and  Master  Degree  Programs  at  ASUE  visited  the  RA  Central  Bank  today within the  framework  of “Basics of Macroeconomics”  course,  accompanied by Aghavni Hakobyan, Candidate  in Economics, Associate  Professor, and  Vard  Ghukasyan, Head of  ASUE  Foreign Relations Division, where  they  were enable to  get  acquainted  with  the priorities of the  activity of the Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia, the RA national currency issuance and circulation characteristics,regulation of the banking system's problems.

Shahane  Harutyunyan,   Head  of  Macroeconomic Forecasting  Division of Monetary Policy Department  of  the  CB, presented  students the current  priorities  of  the Central Bank's  monetary policy, inflation targeting methodology,  connection of monetary  policy  with  other areas  of  macroeconomic policy  and  answered  the  students’  questions.

Souvenirs, as well as training  materials  regarding the  RA  banking  system, the  Central  Bank, Financial Conciliatory, the Deposit Guarantee Fund  were  handed  the  students   at the  end  of the  meeting.

Information is  submitted  by  ASUE  Foreign  Relations  Division.


ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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