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Consultancy  was held  today  at  ASUE  Conference  Hall,  which  was  attended  by  Directors  of competitive research  topics  of  “AMBERD”  Center.                    

Gagik  Vardanyan, Vice-Rector  of  Science  and  International Relations, the  staff  of  “AMBERD” Research  Center,  headed by Director Samvel Avetisyan, also attended  the consultancy.

Director  of  “AMBERD” Research Center reported  about the  proposed requirements.  Gagik  Vardanyan  congratulated  Directors  of the  winning  topics,   noting  that  the  selection wasn’t easy one. The  Vice-Rector   stressed  that   targets related to the problem should  be  identified  during the  work.    The  Vice-Rector  wished  success  to directors  of  the research  topics  and  said  that  he expected a high level of job.         

Then Samvel  Avetisyan  discussed  with the  participants  the issues  regarding  topics and   schedules  of  the  seminar, as well as  other  current  issues.   In his  concluding speech the  Director outlined  the  importance  of  team  work, assuring  topic  directors  to  show collective commitment to work.   

Zoya  Tadevosyan, Doctor  in Economics, Associate  Professor, Doctors  in Economics, Professors Ashot  Tavadyan,   Mikayel Melkumyan, Aram Sargsyan, Doctor  in  Philosophy, Professor,  acted  with  clarifications  regarding  their  research  topics.


ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division                                                                               

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