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On May 16, Hripsime Pepanyan, Head  of Financial Reporting and Accounting Department  at ACBA-Credit Agricole Bank,  conducted  a lesson entitled “Financial Tools” at the 1st  year  students  of  Master Degree  Program  of the  Department  of  Accounting  and  Audit. Armen Hakobyan, the  lecturer,  Candidate in Economics,  introduced  the  special  guest  to    students  and  mentioned  that  Hripsime Pepanyan   was ASUE  alumni  and had great  experience and  success  in Economics

The  special guest  conducted  the  lesson  by  slide  show presenting the  initial recognition and measurement of financial tools, types  of  financial  tools, definition of financial assets, financial liabilities, etc. Discussion was  held  on the mentioned issues  and  the  lesson  was  conducted  in interactive  atmosphere.

In the  interview  with ASUE  Media  and Public Relations  Division Armen Hakobyan mentioned; “Modern Economic Education can’t  be  limited  by  only theoretical  courses,  especially, if the  courses are related to such  activating fields, as banks and financial markets. Students are always  willing  to  listen to an interesting  and  wise specialist.  Hence,  we  highlight  such  kind  of  lessons conducted  by  invited  specialist  of the practical  field”.

Ashot  Matevosyan, Dean of the mentioned  Department, also  highlighted such kind of   lessons  and  mentioned  that they brought  freshness to the total teaching process. The  Dean also  added  that  the  initiative would  be  continued.


ASUE Media  and public Relations Division 

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