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On May 5 a seminar devoted  to usage of Salzburg Principles in the Republic of Armenia launched  in Graz, Austria, within the framework of VERITAS  “Structural Development of the Third Cycle based on Salzburg Principles”  EU  Tempus  Program. 

Gagik Vardanyan,  Vice-Rector of Science  and International Relations, Doctor, Professor,  and Anna  Pakhlyan, Chief Specialist  at Quality Assurance Division, Candidate in Economics,  represent   Armenian State University of Economics in Graz. The measure   will last  till May 7.   

Our colleagues   inform  ASUE Media and Public Relations Division  that  representatives of more  than  two  dozen  Armenian and foreign Universities, as well as   postgraduate educational program regulating institutions are participating in the seminar.

Here is  the  staff of  Armenian delegation: representatives  of  the Republic of Armenia Ministry of Education and Science, “The Republic of Armenia Ultimate Qualification Commission” Agency, “National Center for Professional Education Quality Assurance” foundation, Yerevan State Medical University (Project Coordinator), the RA National Academy of Sciences, Yerevan State University,  Armenian State University of Economics, Armenian State University of Architecture and Construction, Yerevan State Academy of Fine Arts, Yerevan State Linguistic University after V. Brusov,  Gavar State University, Vanadzor State Pedagogical University, “Education  Quality” Ltd, Yerevan Northern University.

Foreign famous Universities: especially  University of Heidelberg, Germany, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, University of Girona, Spain   and  Bath Spa University, the Great Britain,  are  also  included in the  project, which experience  could  be useful for fulfilling reforms   in the third cycle of  Higher Education   in Armenia.                

On May 5 the Universities  presented the projects  carried  out in the third cycle of Higher Education, their structures  and achievements on usage of Salzburg Principles

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division

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