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Model UN Conference took place on April 26 at the National Library of Armenia,  which was organized in the framework of the Plans for Cooperation between the UN Department of Public Information Yerevan Office (UNDPI) and the Armenian State University of Economics, European Regional Educational Academy and Public Administration Academy. Over  60 students of the mentioned Universities simulated the work of the UN Security Council. The working language  was English. The conference was dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Rwanda Genocide with an agenda item “Emergency Session of 1994 Security Council on Rwanda Genocide”.

Prior to the Model UN Conference, training sessions were held to further educate the participants on the functions and structure of the UN Security Council, its Rules of Procedures, as well as public speaking and negotiation skills. The participants had a special session with the Head of the Human Rights Division from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the issue of Genocides and what UN does to prevent them. They discussed the Genocide Convention, as well as the concept of Responsibility to Protect (R2P).

At the end of the day the participants themselves selected the Best Delegation, who also received UN souvenirs, while all the participants got certificates of appreciation.

Collaborators    of  ASUE  Foreign Relations  Division  and 16 students participated  in the  Conference.  Hayk Amirkhanyan, ASUE student,  was among the  Best Delegation.

Vard Ghukasyan, Head of ASUE Foreign Relations  Division,  informed  ASUE  Media  and Public Relations Division about this.


ASUE  Media  and Public Relations Division

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