Information Meetings and Workshops

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Nerses Gevorgyan, Head of ASUE Quality Assurance Division, Maria Petrosyan  and Ani Baghdasaryan, leading  specialists  of the  same Division, conducted  information meetings  of Enhancing Students Participation in Quality Assurance in Armenian HE (ESPAQ, №544261-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-BE-TEMPUS-SMGR) and  workshops for students  and employees  of quality assurance sector in Gavar  and  Vanadzor from October 30 to November 3.

As the Quality Assurance Division informs, during the ESPAQ awareness-raising campaigns the working plans and content of the program and key achievements that can be useful for enhancing students' participation in quality assurance processes have been presented.

Particularly, in the framework of the 2nd working package - "Study of Quality Assurance Processes in Armenia", a comparative analysis of the students' participation in quality assurance processes in Europe and Eastern Neighborhood countries and study of sectoral materials have been carried  out and, as a result, a comparative analysis of the "Students’ Involvement in Quality Assurance”  has been published.

Study  based on  previously developed methodologies, interviews  and through focus groups has  been  carried  out aimed  at overall picture  of students’ participation in quality assurance processes in Armenia  and  published analysis “Ensuring Students’ Participation in Quality Assurance of Higher Education in Armenia”.

The above-mentioned studies have been published in the languages of the consortium member states (Armenian, English, Italian, Spanish, Romanian).

The workshops covered the presentation and discussion of external and internal quality assurance systems and processes.

ASUE internal quality assurance system and practice  of students’ involvement in  institutional and program level were presented. The workshops continued in the form of a question and answer, an active discussion was  held, and students and University staff discussed issues related to the development, implementation, evaluation and improvement of educational programs.

P.S. ESPAQ is a three-year-project, aimed at engaging the students into processes of quality assurance (QA) of Armenian Universities. More information is  available


ASUE Media and Public Relations Division 

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