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The 1st lesson at the 2nd course of  Commerce at  the Department of  Marketing  and Business  Management was  unique: the  students presented  their   knowledge in marketing in practice. Ararat Zakaryan, the  Head of  the  Chair  of  Marketing, Professor, Lilit Dadayan,  lecturer at the same Chair (who  are  also the  organizers of the lesson),  attended the lesson.

The students  informed that the course was divided into two groups  and each  of which selected one  Armenian Mobile operator  and they  should “Convince” the  participants to buy  their  suggested product, using  their  knowledge in marketing.

Two groups presented “Orange”  and  “Beeline” companies. First, the students spoke  about the  companies’ mission, goals, problems,  then presented   services, programs. The  speakers also presented  their commercials  and  offers.

At  the  end  of  the lesson Ararat Zakaryan mentioned  that he  welcomed the  fact  that the  students  realized  that the sales volumes could be increased due  to correct approach  to  marketing  and advertising.  

“There is a serious competition in current market  economy  and  it’s so important for the enterprises, companies  to  enact in a  right  way  to  make their product competitive in the  market”;  said the  Head of  the  Chair and  expressed  hope  that the  students would  be able to do their best  to demonstrate their knowledge in marketing.

Lilit Dadayan also thanked  the  students for  presenting the companies, outlining that  the  lessons would be  continued.

Students also  enjoy such kind of lessons.  “These lessons  enable  us to study the field in depth, to use the  acquired  knowledge, to  present product  correctly.  We also  develop our communication skills”; said  Talita Simonyan.


ASUE  Media  and Public Relations Division  

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