Exams of PhD Studies were Launched

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Today, professional qualification exams of PhD study have  started. Gagik  Vardanyan, Vice Rector  of Science  and International Relations, visited the examination committee and PhD students. Ashot  Salnazaryan, the Chair of Finance, congratulated PhD  students on the  start  of exams, stating; “I wish you success and there would  be no obstacle to defend PhD thesis”.

The  committee members are Alvard Sargsyan, the Chair of Financial Accounting, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Liana Grigoryan, the  Chair of Managerial Accounting  and Auditing, Doctor  of Sciences, Associate Professor, Anna Aslanyan, the  Chair of Banking  and Insurance, Doctor  of Sciences, Professor, Martin Fahradyan, Professor  of the Chair of Statistics, PhD in Economics.


ASUE Media and Public Relations Division 

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