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Poetry matinee entitled “Да святится имя Твое!”  was held today  at  ASUE  Big  Hall. The  event  was organized by the  Chair  of  Armenian and Russian Languages,  which  was  attended  by Vice-Rectors Gagik  Vardanyan  and Mihrdat  Harutyunyan, Deans of  the  Departments,  lecturers,  employees, students, as well as special  guests: Representation of Rossotrudnichestvo in the  RA.

Yelena  Karaptyan, lecturer at  the  Chair  of Armenian and Russian Languages, acclaimed the beginning of the  event,  welcomed the  guests,  mentioned  that the poetry matinee was devoted to University employees on Women's Spring Holidays.

Our talented students presented the 19-20th  century Russian writers’ and poets’ work, letters, performed songs (romances).

At  the  end  of  the  matinee  Natalia Yeromenkon,  Director  of  Russian  language department  at    Representation of Rossotrudnichestvo in the  RA expressed  gratitudeto the  organizers, University  Administrationand  congratulated all girls  and  women. Natalia Yeromenkon awarded Yelena Karapetyan a gratitude certificate for  the activity.  

Mary Zakaryan, the  Head  of  the  Chair  of  Armenian and Russian Languages, Professor, mentioned in the  interview  with ASUE Media  and Public  Relations  Division that the  matinee was not only an event  devoted  to Russian literature, but also an unique assessment  of  Russian language.

“We  love  and  assess the  language  when we recognize it”;  she  said.


ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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