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Today the Head of Personnel Recruitment Department of “Rosgosstrakh” company Lusine Gevorgyan conducted a seminar at  ASUE  within the  framework  of  seminar-training initiated  by  ASUE  Career  and  Marketing  Center.

Lusine  Gevorgyan presented a number of  youth projects fulfilled by their  company,  which  aimed  to  find  out intelligent, hardworking and active  young  people (students).

They talked about the company’s nominal scholarships, educational practice and training, “The Agent of the Future” contest and other student projects, their application procedure. The company’s  representative outlined  that  many  ASUE  students had won different contests  and got  certificates, many  of  them were potential employees. Then  the  special  guest  referred  to the features  of  writing a CV,  presented the  skills  how to pass interview, the  secrets to impress the employer. The specialist mentioned  that the  first  impression on the  employer was  very  important  and  expressed  her  views on this occasion.  The  speaker quoted Coco  Chanel’s famous mind: “You never have the second chance to leave the first impression”.

P.S. Such  kind  of  seminars  are  being  conducted  regularly,  which  aims  to support the  students  looking  for a  job. A  number  of ASUE  students have  already  participated  in theses  trainings, and  they are  interested  in  them and  consider  them  to  be interesting  and effective  ones.

ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations Division 

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