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The  agenda  of yesterday’s session of  ASUE  Scientific Council  was full, more  than a  dozen questions  were discussed.

The  Vice-Rector  on Educational Matters  Mihrdat  Harutyunyan presented  “The  results of  exams and problems  of  the 1st semester”  and “Formation of final certification committees” issues. He  noted  on the 1st issue that the examination process of  the 1st  semester was organized in time, no extraordinary cases  were  recorded, and operative solutions to the problems that occurred were given. He presented  the  results of all education systems in details, referred to  omissions.  Mihrdat  Harutyunyan  mentioned  on the 2nd  issue  that the  formation process  of final  certification committees was  being  fulfilled  according to the  procedure  and the  staff  of  the  committees  would  be  presented to the  Minister of  Education and  Science.

The  Vice-Rector  also  presented the  issue “Regulation of Allocating  Student Pension, State  and Nominal Scholarship  at  Armenian State University  of Economics (ASUE)”.

Chairman of SSS Vladimir Gevorgyan presented the  report of  SSS  in 2013,  presenting the  conducted  work, cooperation  with other  Universities’ SSS.

The  Head of  the  Chair  of ASUE Quality  Assurance  Division  Nerses Gevorgyan  presented the issue on “Quality Assurance Activities in Gyumri  and  Yeghegnadzor Branches”,  noting  that self-analysis of  the  Branches have  been prepared, it’ll  be evaluated by National Center for Quality Assurance,  then experts  will  visit the  Branches.

The  Vice-Rector  on Methodological Matters Paruir Kalantaryan presented  the issue  of establishing the subject  plan of Bachelor’s Degree final certification exams  of “Food Commodity Research  and  Quality Expertise”  and “Non-Food Commodity Research  and  Quality Expertise”  specialties.

The  Vice-Rector  of  Science  and  International  Relations  Gagik Vardanyan presented issues on scientific activities.

Scientific Council listened to the  presented  issues  and  voted to approve the proposed drafts.

Then the  Scientific Council  discussed  and established the thesis topics  and scientific directors, guaranteed  for  publication Diana Galoyan’s (Associate  Professor  at  the  Chair  of  International Economic Relations, candidate  in Economics) monograph entitled “Regional Aspects of Economic Integration”.

The  issue  of mediating to Higher Qualification Commission to  award the title  of Associate Professor to the  lecturer at the  Chair  of Physical Training, First Aid and Civil Defense Norik Zakoyan was  put  into closed vote. 52 of 52 members 

participating in Scientific Council voted “For”.

The  established regulations  and  other  documents  will  be  submitted in ASUE  official website  soon.

ASUE  Media  and Public Relations  Division 

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