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The  2nd semester  of  the  2013-2014 academic  year  started  at  ASUE (since  February 10).  

Measures  and  new  projects  are  planned  to  be organized. ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division  talked  to  the  Deans of  the  Departments  and  learned  about upcoming  events, as  well  as  future tasks.

Zakar Kirakosyan, the  acting  Head  of  the  Department  of  Finance, mentioned  that the  lessons  were  being conducted at the  Department  according  to the  timetable. “It’s  planned  to  strengthen ties with  employers, to  invite  them  to  conduct  “Open Classes”, seminars: this is primarily aimed to develop students’ theoretical and practical knowledge. Academic  process  is  organized properly.  Internship  is  being carried: we  contact  with  a  number  of  leading  companies, where  our  students’  internship  is going through. Many  students  find  job  during  the  internship. We’ve planned  to  meet the students having  excellent marks  and  to award  them in March. A  number  of  measures  are still under development”;  said  Zakar  Kirakosyan.

Ashot  Matevosyan,  the  Dean of  the  Department  of  Accounting  and  Audit,  outlined  that the  students  actively  attend  the  lessons. “We’ve  planned  to  conduct “Open class”  with one  of  audit  organizations. We  actively  cooperate with employers,  the  letters  choose their  employees  among our  graduate  students. Internship  is  being  carried successfully, recently  5  students began to  work in various accounting organizations, and the names  of 15  students are  in the  base  as  possible  candidates.  The  employers  are  satisfied  with our  students, our  students  are  highly  demanded  specialists”; noted  the  Dean.

Tatul  Mkrtchyan, the  Dean of  the  Department  of Marketing  and  Business  Management  informed  that  the control over attendance would be restricted. Particularly  for  the  students  of  full-time  Master’s  Degree. “As for the  inter-department  projects,  note that  the   traditional  measures  will  be  continued,  in addition,  many  projects  are  being  developed,  which  will  be  carried  to make  the academic process  and student  life  more  interesting  and  effective”;  noted  the  Dean.

In the  interview  with  ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division Atom Margaryan,  the  Dean of  the  Department  of  Regulation of Economy 
and International Economic Rеlations,    mentioned  that their  attention  had  always  been  focused  on  the issue of education quality,  lecturer-student relationship.  “Open classes”,  seminars  and discussions  are  the  important  part  of  student  life.

Manuk    Movsisyan,  the  acting  Head  of  the  Department  of  Computer Science and Statistics,  informed  that  he  met  the  1st  year  students   at  the  beginning of  this  semester,  spoke  about  the  academic  process, discounts  and other  issues  the  students were interested  in.

Mikayel  Tavadyan, the   Dean of  the  Department  of  Management, mentioned that the  attention  was  mainly  focused  on  the  final  certification exams  during the  2nd  semester.   

ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division