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The  regular  scientific seminar  entitled “Economic  Development”  was  held  today  at  ASUE  “AMBERD”  Research  Center,  which  was  attended  by  Samvel  Avetisyan,  the  Director  of  the  Center,  collaborators, lecturers,  students.

Here  are  the  members  of  the  research team: Hovsep Aghajanyan (Director), Doctor  in Economics, Professor,  Atom  Margaryan,  Candidate  in Economics,  Associate  Professor, Atom  Vardanyan,  Candidate  in  Economics, Associate  Professor, Arsen  Petrosyan, Candidate  in Economics, Associate  Professor,  Manuk  Movsisyan, Candidate  in Economics,  Associate  Professor,  Hasmik  Juharyan,  Candidate  in Economics, Assistant  Professor,  Hayk  Minasyan, PhD.

A  number  of  problems  were  raised in the  research,  such  as how  to create a competitive economic system, how  to  pass  from the concept of economic growth  to concept of economic development, to  make  Armenia an  attractive country for  foreign capital investments, to create background for formation  a technological society,  to  ensure the  conditions to  release a competitive product to foreign market, to raise the standard of living of the population.

Hovsep  Aghajanyan, the  Director  of  the  seminar,  presented  the  work  done  by  the  team.

Atom  Vardanyan  spoke  about  the perceptions  of  the  concept  of  economic  development. Current  economic situation in Armenia  was  analyzed. Associate  Professor  referred  to “Nature and general understanding of economic development”,  “The State  and the  challenge  of   responsible  development”,
“Methodological approaches in development studies”, “Main characteristics  and directions of the economic development”  and  other  themes.

Arsen  Petrosyan  continued  to  present the  results  of  the  research, mentioning the  fundamental differences  of  economic  development  and  stable  development. Studies  done  among  CIS  countries  were  presented  by  digital  indicators.

Atom Margaryan referred  to  “Economic development  and  political stability”, as  well  as the  main  principals ensuring the  economic  development.

Other  members  of  the  team   also  presented  the  results  of  the  research.

A  discussion  was  held  after  the  presentation.

ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division