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Presentation of  a  book  devoted  to  ASUE  students  who  fought  at  Artsakh Liberation War  was  organized  at  ASUE  Big  Hall by  ASUE  Student  Council.  It  wasn’t  only  a  presentation,  but  a tribute  to  the  students  who   sacrificed  life.

Koryun Atoyan,  ASUE  Rector, the  Vice-Rectors,  Faculty  staff,  students  were  present,   special guests:  NA  Deputies Tachat  Vardapetyan  and  Karen  Avagyan, parents and relatives of soldiers  were  invited.

Hayk  Beranyan, the  author  of  the  book  spoke  about 13  heroes,  presented  interesting  facts  regarding everybody’s  life,  activity. Here  are  their  names: Derenik Abrahamyan (Atom), Armen Adamyan, Arthur  Asryan, Vahram  Babayan,  Armen  Bablumyan, Gagik  Grigoryan,  Volodya  Darbinyan, Karen  Iskandaryan,  Arthur  Karapetyan,  Armen  Hakobyan (Beniamin), Armen  Hakobyan (Ilya),  Karen  Manvelyan,  Ashot  Mikayelyan.

In 1990 a  group  of  ASUE  students  formed  a  volunteer team  “Nzhdeh”.  After  presenting  the  heroes  the  author highlighted the  role  and  meaning  of  Artsakh  War  in our  life,  called to remember all those who perished, and to keep alive their memory.  

In his  speech Koryun Atoyan, ASUE  Rector, highlighted  Artsakh  War  as  a  new  page    in our  history,  expressed  gratitude  to  the  parents  of  the  fighters. The  whole  speech  is  presented  here:

After  the  speech  Koryun Atoyan posthumously awarded the fighters  with the University gold medals, handing the  awards  to  their  parents  and  relatives.

In his  speech Sevak  Khachatryan,  the  Chairman of  the  Student  Council, assured  that  they were also willing to sacrifice  their  life  for  the country  if  needed.  He  also  informed  that “Nzhdeh” patriotic military  club would  be  created  in honor  of student-fighters.

The  parents, relatives  and  friends  of  fighters expressed  their  gratitude  to  Koryun Atoyan,  ASUE  Rector,  Hayk  Bejanyan, the author  of  the book,   and  the  Student  Council.

ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division  congratulates the  Student  Council  and  Hayk  Bejanyan  for  publishing the  history  of  ASUE  student-fighters,  their  photos,   their never  published  data.


ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division