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Tempus HEN-GEAR Project's (Higher Education Network for Human Capital Assessment and Graduates Employability in Armenia: www.hen-gear.net) Insitutional Meeting was  held on December 2, 2013 at Armenian State University of Economics (New Tempus Hall,  128 Nalbandyan  Str.).

Paruyr  Kalantaryan,  the  Vice-Rector  of  Educational-Methodological  Matters  at  ASUE,   welcomed  the  participants,  wished them  productive  work. Nerses  Gevorgyan, the  coordinator  of  Tempus  projects  at  our  University,  Andrea Cammelli, the Director  of  AlmaLaurea Inter-University Consortium (AL), Professor, representatives of the partner universities and organizations  participated  in the  meeting.

The  meeting  consisted  of  two parts. During  the  first  part AlmaLaurea Inter-University Consortium in Italy, the  coordinator  of  the project,   presented  the  main  goals,  expected results  and  current state of implementation  of  Hen-GEAR  project by  participation  of all stakeholders and interested parties.  Professor Andrea Cammelli presented  a  report  entitled “AlmaLaurea and the Higher Education Network for Human Capital Assessment and Graduates Employability in Armenia: an overview”.

The  project’s  partners  and  interested parties discussed  the project’s future plans, existing problems  and solutions  to  them  during the  second  part  of  the  meeting.

Note, that  “Higher  Education  Network  for  Human  Capital  Assessment  and  Graduates  Employability  in Armenia (HEN-GEAR)”  project  is  fulfilled in Armenia within the  framework  of Tempus  Programme, and our  University  also  participates  in it.  The  latter runs from October 2012 to October 2015.

The  project  aims  to establish an integrated demand supply matching model based on the graduates' database designed for: collecting and analyzing data on university and graduates performances, facilitating the placement of graduates in the labour market, and improving internal and external efficiency of the higher education system.

ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division