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The  first  class of  Bachelor’s Degree  organized  for  foreign  students  was  conducted today  at  ASUE. This  group  of foreign  students consists  of 14  students,  including 13 citizens  of  India,  1 citizen of  Estonia (Armenian  by  nationality).

Gagik  Vardanyan,  the  Vice-Rector  of  Science  and  International  relations,  welcomed  the  foreign  students  and  highlighted  their  willingness of  studying. The  Vice-Rector  welcomed  the  students’ entrance  to  our  country,  then  Armenian  State  University  of  Economics,  he mentioned  that Armenia  was one  of the  oldest countries  in the  World,  as  India  did.

“You  are  here  to  improve  the  level  of your  knowledge, to ensure cultural interconnection between  two  countries.  We  have   a  good  Faculty  staff, we  are  ready  to  do  our  best  to  help  you, but  a  lot depends on you: you  should  seek to  achieve knowledge”;  said  Gagik  Vardanyan  and  mentioned  that  in case  of  any  problem the students  were  able to  apply  the  University  Administration.  Foundation  course  of  foreign  students launched  today.

“Foundation  course  aims  to  prepare  students  for  Bachelor’s Degree.  During  a six-month-course  the  foreign students  study  Armenian,  Armenian  History  and  Culture,  Mathematics, Professional  Introduction subjects”; Vard  Ghukasyan,  the  Head  of  Foreign  Relations,  informed ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division.

The  first  class  was  conducted  at 12:35, Gagik  Vardanyan  also  welcomed  the  students  of the  Foundation  course  and  outlined  the  importance  of  sharing  inter cultural  differences.

Note,  that  ASUE  provides accommodation  conditions  for  foreign  students: they  live  in “Tntesaget” student  house  now.

ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division