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The  representatives  of   IAB Centre  were  hosted  at  ASUE  Big  Hall  today.

IAB  Armenian-British  training Centre  organizes  a  vocational guidance counseling  for  the  students  of  the  RA  Universities  every  year.

During the  meeting  ASUE  students  had  an opportunity  to get  acquainted  with  the  standards   based  on  which  the  international large  organizations  choose  their  employees,  to  reveal  the  differences  of  mandatory financial audit inspections,  necessary  usage  and  geography  of  International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS),  to get full information  about  the  centre’s  major requirement of international organizations’ (ACCA, CIMA, GARP) qualifications.

At  the  beginning of  the  meeting  a  video  was  screened,  where  all   dreams  come  true.  The  heroes  of  the  video  were  students,  who  called to  believe  in dreams  and  follow  your  dreams.

Then  Ani  Nahapetyan,  the  Director  of  Marketing  Department  of  IAB  Centre, introduced  the  Centre’s mission,  goals  and  activity.

Hranush Baklachyan,  the  Head  of  the Department of Financial Institutions Audit,   called  the  students  to  get  interested in and  think  about  the  career  since  University  years.   She  said  that  the  employer wanted  to employ a qualified specialist,  exactly they were looking for good professionals.  She  said  that the  students  should  develop  their  professional  skills  along  with  the  University  studies.

In the  interview  with  ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division  Ani  Nahapetyan  outlined; “Our  most  important  goal  is  to  help  students  to  find  a  job  after  graduation  and  easily  to get orientated”.

The  representatives  of  the  training  centre  provided informational booklets to  the  students in order  to  conduct with  them.

ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division