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The  Administration of  ASUE  “AMBERD”  Research  Center  started  a project  involving   the  students  in  research  programs.  The first  program  launched  within the  framework  of  “National  Security  Research”  program  headed  by  Vardan  Atoyan, the  Program’s  Director,  Candidate  in Economics.   

“Considering  that ASUE  “AMBERD”  Research  Center  aims  to  concentrate University intelligence,  to ensure interconnection between academic processes and research  and  to  involve students in research,   we   have  initiated  the  first  research  project  conducted  by  the  students,  it’s  unique  as  the  research  team consists  of  entirely  students.   Of  course,  the  process  is  coordinated  by  the  staff  of  the  Center, more specifically,  the  research  is  conducted  within  the  framework  of  “National  Security  Research”  program”;  referring to the  content  of  the  program, said  Vardan  Atoyan,  the  Director  of  the  Program,  in the  interview  with  ASUE  Media and  Public Relations  Division.

He  said  that  the  research  team  (the  2nd  year  students  of  Master’s  Degree,  International  Economic Relations)  consists  of  six   students,  who  aim  to  study  the  experience  of  the  World  Universities'   “think tanks”,   especially   the  thematic  direction,  methodology  of  the  conducted  research, formats  of  involvement  of  Faculty  staff  and  students  and  issues  of  their  localization  in  Armenian  Universities’  research  centers.    “ At  the  same  time, the  researchers   will study  the research  centers  in  Armenian  University  system,   the  problems  they  face  and  other  issues.   The final  goal  of  the  research  is   to  concentrate  the  research  results  at  Armenian  State  University  of  Economics,  especially   at  “AMBERD”  Research  Center.  I  am  sure  that the  results  will  be  useful   for  adopting  the advanced international experience  by the  Center  and  investing  a  new  culture  of  conducting  research with  entirely new format  by  ASUE  students,  which  can  be  considered  an  important  step   taken by the University to become  a  research  one.  It is  worthy  to  note  that  the  University  Administration  has  promised  to  award  the  students  in  case  of  successful implementation of the project”;   added  the  Program’s  Director.

To  the  asked  question “What is the main purpose of such an approach and whether you intend to make the process continuous?”  Vardan  Atoyan  responded: “In  short,  “AMBERD”  tries  to  correspond  with  its  mission  to  becomea modern system of University Science development. To my personal belief,  since  University  years,  the  students  should  have  an opportunity   to  create,  to  acquire  research  and  practical experience regarding  modern   methods,  formats  and nowadays topics,   which  essentially   raises both the  education quality and  the  University’s  authority   and  rating.   During  the  scientific,  research  studies  the  student  will  reveal  both  his/herpotential and  will  improve his/herprofessional qualities  solving the  problem  of  finding  a job.  Yes,  the  process  will  be   continued,  we  aim  not  only  to  create such  a  tradition   and  make  it   irreversible,  but also  to  expand the  framework:  increasing  the  number  of  students  involved in  the  research”.

Media  Division  hosted  and  talked  with  the  research  team’s  students.  Stella  Hovsepyan  mentioned ; ““Think tanks”  conduct  not   only  research  studies,  but  also  suggest  solutions  for economic and political development,  which  can  be  used in  our  country.   We are mainly  studying   the   “think tanks”    of  foreign Universities,  getting  acquainted with  their  experience.  We are  studying   the “think tanks”  of  20  best  Universities  of  this  year”.   Roza  Budaghyan  highlighted  the  fact  that  “AMBERD”  is  the  first  research  center  in our  Republic  which  has  a student  research  team.   “We  hope  to  see  our  University’s  Research  Center  among  the  World  best   “think tanks”.    We  are  studying  the  “think tanks”  of  Harvard, Oxford, Columbia  and  other  leading  Universities,  and  also  contact  with  them.

ASUE  Media  and  Public  Relations  Division